Heritage turkeys from Top o' the Hill Farm in Northwestern Illinois.This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful to share good, clean, and fair food with loved ones.
Thankfully there is healthy soil, sun, air, and water for food.
Thankfully there are mindful people to raise the plants and animals that ended up gracing our plates...
I am especially thankful for these things because they are at risk: our topsoil is quickly disappearing, our climate is changing, our air and water has become unsafe in communities all over the world. The irony is that the very food system dependent upon these natural resources is ruining them.
While our holiday table bounded with roots and vegetables from our garden and our farmer friends' fields, possibly our biggest, or maybe our newest, adventure was finding the locally raised, organic, heritage Bourbon Red turkey we feasted on. After seeking out this treasure, it was comforting to see the farm our turkey was raised on and to know that the way it was raised led to healthy meat. Grass fed, foraged birds, that are supplemented with organic feed, and who have access to plenty of fresh air while roaming the wide out of doors are naturally better for the eaters.