My contribution to the December Slow Food WiSE newsletter...
Imagine what it must have been like, a century ago, for a Wisconsin boy or girl to get an orange in their Christmas stocking. The exotic scent of citrus, the hint of sun, the golden juice... In a time when oranges are ubiquitous year-round, it might be hard to understand how special a short seasoned, far flung fruit might have been for a child. Eating locally and seasonally, for the great majority of history, has been the only option. The truth is that so many of our familial, food, and holiday traditions have gone by the wayside in lieu of bigger portions, faster foods, more gifts... The food traditions of the holiday season have long been connected to the ecology of the immediate world around us- and if we keep this in mind when choosing our celebratory foods, we might gain a deeper appreciation of the place we call home.
Winter in Wisconsin (with nary a ripe tomato to be found) is home to many lovely cold weather, and year round foods. Highlighting some of our region's special foods for menus and gifts at holiday gatherings promotes community and often inspires story telling. Nationwide, Slow food USA's Ark of Taste and Renewing Americas Food Traditions Alliance are two important programs that are aimed at saving endangered foods and preserving America's Food Traditions. Many Ark of Taste products, such as Sorghum Syrup, are grown, raised, or produced in the Mid-west. To learn more, go to the national website: www.slowfoodusa.org.
Consider the following Wisconsin foods for your winter gatherings:
* Cheeses
* Jams, Jellies and Preserves
* Storage Fruits & Vegetables
* Grains
* Maple syrup and honey
* Meat, Fish, and Fowl
Resources for finding local Wisconsin foods:
Farm Fresh Atlas of Southeastern Wisconsin
Local Harvest
Savor Wisconsin
Eat Wild
Milwaukee Community Supported Agriculture Initiative
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