Thursday, September 11, 2008


Think about where your food comes from and the power that lies within your choices.
Taste the difference of delicious, locally grown, & sustainably produced foods & beverages.
Trust the source of your food by meeting the people that grow and produce fresh, local foods.

These are some of the founding principles behind the local foods movement. And while the food system challenges we face are drastic and complex, it is important to remember that there are solutions and that they should be celebrated...

This Saturday in Milwaukee, we will be celebrating local flavors, farmers, chefs, producers, retailers, and food activists who are working together for a more sustainable food system at a local food festival.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jen. Everytime I read your blog I am so impressed and PROUD of all you are doing for something you are so passionate about. Keep up the great effort. I agree with your position on organics and locally grown produce and make an effort to purchase same whenever I can.
Love ya. Aunt E...